Thursday, May 3, 2012

Red Nails


Last night I decided to wear RED, as tonight i'm going out to dinner!
I have been wearing a lot of neutral colours recently.
Can't wait to get hold of Maybelline's latest neutral colour range, have you tried them yet?

I always apply two coats of nail varnish, although i do find that RED chips easier than the neutral colours, but thats probably because it's more noticeable.

I love wearing red with dark blue and white clothing. They always stand out, love it!

 I don't have the most prettiest of feet, but i'd thought i'd show you how the colour looks on toe nails.

I love wearing darker colours on my toe nails, darker colours always look good with sandals.

What's your favourite colour?

Introducing Mr Piggy's sister, Bella.
I'm sure she was getting jealous of all Mr Piggy's recent fame.
Follow Mr Piggy at

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